The Login Page
The Login Page
Whenever a siteaccess that uses the built-in administration design is accessed for the first time, the log in page will be displayed.
This page provides a security mechanism that prevents unauthorized users from accessing the system.
In order to get past the log in page, the visitor must provide a valid username and password.
In order to have a valid username and password, you have to be a Registered User. See "User registration" for details about registering a new user to the application.
The Login Page
You must provide the following information, on this screen:
Enter a valid user name. The default user name for the "Administrator User" is "admin".
Enter a valid password. The default password for the "Administrator User" is "publish".
The Log in button
After typing the correct username and password, click on the "Log in" button:
The Login Button
In case the information provided (Username or Password) is not valid (or is incorrect), the following message will be shown:
Failed Login Message
Register New Account
If you are not a registered user, you will need to create a new account.
Click on the link "Register new account" and you will access the mechanism that allows new users to register themselves on the system.
Please refer to the "User registration" section for more information about this feature.
Balazs Halasy (07/05/2010 8:53 am)
Andrea Melo (28/11/2012 3:44 pm)
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