This page references all available signals, triggered by Public API, you can listen to.
For more information, check SignalSlot documentation and the cookbook recipe on how to listen to signals.
Signals are ordered by Repository service:
All signals are relative to eZ\Publish\Core\SignalSlot\Signal
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
ContentService\AddRelationSignal |
| After |
ContentService\AddTranslationInfoSignal | N/A | ContentService::addTranslationInfo() | After |
ContentService\CopyContentSignal |
| ContentService::copyContent() | After |
ContentService\CreateContentDraftSignal |
| ContentService::createContentDraft() | After |
ContentService\CreateContentSignal |
| ContentService::createContent() | After |
ContentService\DeleteContentSignal |
| ContentService::deleteContent() | After |
ContentService\DeleteRelationSignal |
| ContentService::deleteRelation() | After |
ContentService\DeleteVersionSignal |
| ContentService::deleteVersion() | After |
ContentService\PublishVersionSignal |
| ContentService:: publishVersion() | After |
ContentService\TranslateVersionSignal |
| ContentService::translationVersion() | After |
ContentService\UpdateContentMetadataSignal |
| ContentService::updateContentMetadata() | After |
ContentService\UpdateContentSignal |
| ContentService::updateContent() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
ContentTypeService\AddFieldDefinitionSignal |
| After |
ContentTypeService\AssignContentTypeGroupSignal |
| ContentTypeService::assignContentTypeGroup() | After |
ContentTypeService\CopyContentTypeSignal |
| ContentTypeService::copyContentType() | After |
ContentTypeService\CreateContentTypeDraftSignal |
| ContentTypeService::createContentTypeDraft() | After |
ContentTypeService\CreateContentTypeGroupSignal |
| ContentTypeService::createContentTypeGroup() | After |
ContentTypeService\CreateContentTypeSignal |
| ContentTypeService::createContentType() | After |
ContentTypeService\DeleteContentTypeGroupSignal |
| ContentTypeService::deleteContentTypeGroup() | After |
ContentTypeService\DeleteContentTypeSignal |
| ContentTypeService::deleteContentType() | After |
ContentTypeService\PublishContentTypeDraftSignal |
| ContentTypeService::publishContentTypeDraft() | After |
ContentTypeService\RemoveFieldDefinitionSignal |
| ContentTypeService::removeFieldDefinition() | After |
ContentTypeService\UnassignContentTypeGroupSignal |
| ContentTypeService::unassignContentTypeGroup() | After |
ContentTypeService\UpdateContentTypeDraftSignal |
| ContentTypeService::updateContentTypeDraft() | After |
ContentTypeService\UpdateContentTypeGroupSignal |
| ContentTypeService::updateContentTypeGroup() | After |
ContentTypeService\UpdateFieldDefinitionSignal |
| ContentTypeService::updateFieldDefinition() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
LanguageService\CreateLanguageSignal |
| LanguageService::createLanguage() | After |
LanguageService\DeleteLanguageSignal |
| LanguageService::deleteLanguage() | After |
LanguageService\DisableLanguageSignal |
| LanguageService::disableLanguage() | After |
LanguageService\EnableLanguageSignal |
| LanguageService::enableLanguage() | After |
LanguageService\UpdateLanguageNameSignal |
| LanguageService::updateLanguageName() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
LocationService\CopySubtreeSignal |
| After |
LocationService\CreateLocationSignal |
| LocationService::createLocation() | After |
LocationService\DeleteLocationSignal |
| LocationService::deleteLocation() | After |
LocationService\HideLocationSignal |
| LocationService::hideLocation() | After |
LocationService\UnhideLocationSignal |
| LocationService::unhideLocation() | After |
LocationService\MoveSubtreeSignal |
| LocationService::moveSubtree() | After |
LocationService\SwapLocationSignal |
| LocationService::swapLocation() | After |
LocationService\UpdateLocationSignal |
| LocationService::updateLocation() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
ObjectStateService\CreateObjectStateGroupSignal |
| ObjectStateService::createObjectStateGroup() | After |
ObjectStateService\CreateObjectStateSignal |
| ObjectStateService::createObjectState() | After |
ObjectStateService\DeleteObjectStateGroupSignal |
| ObjectStateService::deleteObjectStateGroup() | After |
ObjectStateService\DeleteObjectStateSignal |
| ObjectStateService::deleteObjectState() | After |
ObjectStateService\SetContentStateSignal |
| ObjectStateService::setContentState() | After |
ObjectStateService\SetPriorityOfObjectStateSignal |
| ObjectStateService::setPriorityOfObjectState() | After |
ObjectStateService\UpdateObjectStateGroupSignal |
| ObjectStateService::updateObjectStateGroup() | After |
ObjectStateService\UpdateObjectStateSignal |
| ObjectStateService::updateObjectState() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
RoleService\AddPolicySignal |
| RoleService::addPolicy() | After |
RoleService\AssignRoleToUserGroupSignal |
| RoleService::assignRoleToUserGroup() | After |
RoleService\AssignRoleToUserSignal |
| RoleService::assignRoleToUser() | After |
RoleService\CreateRoleSignal |
| RoleService::createRole() | After |
RoleService\DeleteRoleSignal |
| RoleService::deleteRole() | After |
RoleService\RemovePolicySignal |
| RoleService::removePolicy() | After |
RoleService\UnassignRoleFromUserGroupSignal |
| RoleService::unassignRoleFromUserGroup() | After |
RoleService\UnassignRoleFromUserSignal |
| RoleService::unassignRoleFromUser() | After |
RoleService\UpdatePolicySignal |
| RoleService::updatePolicy() | After |
RoleService\UpdateRoleSignal |
| RoleService::updateRole() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
SectionService\AssignSectionSignal |
| SectionService::assignSection() | After |
SectionService\CreateSectionSignal |
| SectionService::createSection() | After |
SectionService\DeleteSectionSignal |
| SectionService::deleteSection() | After |
SectionService\UpdateSectionSignal |
| SectionService::updateSection() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
TrashService\DeleteTrashItemSignal |
| TrashService::deleteTrashItem() | After |
TrashService\EmptyTrashSignal | N/A | TrashService::emptyTrash() | After |
TrashService\RecoverSignal |
| TrashService::recover() | After |
TrashService\TrashSignal |
| TrashService::trash() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
URLAliasService\CreateGlobalUrlAliasSignal |
| URLAliasService::createGlobalUrlAlias() | After |
URLAliasService\CreateUrlAliasSignal |
| URLAliasService::createUrlAlias() | After |
URLAliasService\RemoveAliasesSignal |
| URLAliasService::removeAliases() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
URLWildcardService\CreateSignal |
| URLWildcardService::create() | After |
URLWildcardService\RemoveSignal |
| URLWildcardService::remove() | After |
URLWildcardService\TranslateSignal |
| URLWildcardService::translate() | After |
Signal type | Properties | Triggered by | When |
UserService\AssignUserToUserGroupSignal |
| UserService::assignUserToUserGroup() | After |
UserService\CreateUserGroupSignal |
| UserService::createUserGroup() | After |
UserService\CreateUserSignal |
| UserService::createUser() | After |
UserService\DeleteUserGroupSignal |
| UserService::deleteUserGroup() | After |
UserService\DeleteUserSignal |
| UserService::deleteUser() | After |
UserService\MoveUserGroupSignal |
| UserService::moveUserGroup() | After |
UserService\UnAssignUserFromUserGroupSignal |
| UserService::unAssignUserFromUserGroup() | After |
UserService\UpdateUserGroupSignal |
| UserService::updateUserGroup() | After |
UserService\UpdateUserSignal |
| UserService::updateUser() | After |