Time to trigger consumption event value
Time to trigger consumption event value
This parameter is relevant when you want to track if a user reads an article, watches a video or studies a picture. A default value of 20 sec is a good starting point to define the typical consumption time of an article.
When a user stays more than 20 sec on the same page the page will send a so-called ´consume´-event with the next click of the user (see `‘Consume’-event`). There is some analogy to a ´purchase´-event in an online shop regarding the relevance of such an event to the user profile.
Change this value to a value that suits your content class. You may want to change this value to 5 sec for images and 60 sec for videos. Choose 0 sec to disable ´consume´-events completely for a given class.
Andrea Melo (30/05/2012 12:39 pm)
Andrea Melo (05/06/2012 3:47 pm)
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