ez_trans_prop() is a generic, low level Twig helper which corrects the translated value of a multi valued(translations) property.
If the current language cannot be found as a translation for content, the main language (see further down for details) will be used if this is supported by the provided object. This behavior is identical when forcing a language using forcedLanguage.
Property to get translated value from, logic is using one of the following (in this order):
object method "get{property}"
object property "{property}s"
Optional language we want to force (e.g. "eng-US"), otherwise takes prioritized languages from SiteAccess settings.
Main language use
Main language is attempted to be applied in the following way for Value objects that support this:
When attribute is retrieved via object property: Use mainLanguageCode property if it exists as fallback language, but only if either alwaysAvailable property does not exists or is true.
When attribute is retrieved via object method: Provide $language = null as the only argument to the method, depends on logic of ValueObject if this gives a fallback value or not
Usage of ez_trans_prop
Example below shows how this function can be used to get the Content name with exact same result as using ez_content_name(content)