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This Documentation contains:
Technical documentation:

⚠ WARNING ! This documentation is deprecated !

Please go to the current Technical Documentation

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



For the release notes of the corresponding eZ Studio sub-release, see eZ Studio 15.12.1 Release Notes.

Changes since 15.12


As already deprecated on requirements page, this release does not support PHP 5.4 any longer.

For list of issues fixed in 15.12.1 see

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryfixVersion in ("2015.12.1") AND project = EZP AND issuetype in (Story, Improvement, Bug) order by issuetype
, below is a list of notable bugs/features/enhancements done in the release. 


  • Improved Install doc and Apache/Nginx doc, added script to generate vhost for automation needs.
  • PHP Internal web server "works", further fixes in 16.02 to make it tested and supported for dev use.
  • Installers don't write to config anymore, only folders mentioned in directory permissions are written to.
  • Info on where to find demo install of eZ Platform added.
  • Several improvements done on and specifically


  • [API] Fix publishing to only update modified time, leaving published time to be time of first publish like in legacy
  • [Twig] New ez_field function, unlike ez_field_value returns whole Field
  • JIRA
    servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
  • JIRA
    servereZ Systems JIRA tracker


New projects in work for future releases


Several of the mentioned changes above where done by contributors for this release, notable contributions merged from among others:

  • @rihards
  • @iherak
  • @crevillo
  • @wizhippo
  • @blankse
  • @jeromegamez
  • @emodric
  • @GromNaN

Upgrading a 15.12 project

titleNew proposed upgrade process

This section reflects a proposed git based workflow for handling upgrades, feedback on how this works in practice and input on how to further improve/simplify it is welcome.


You may also run git remove composer.lock if you do not keep a copy of it in the branch.

Merging composer.json

Manual merging

Conflicts in composer.json need to be fixed manually. If you're not familiar with the diff output, you may checkout the tag's version, and inspect the changes. It should be readable for most:


Answer no (do not discard) to the requirement changes of ezsystems dependencies, and yes (discard) to removals of your changes.

Using composer require

You may also checkout your own composer.json, and run the following commands to update the ezsystems packages requirements from v1.0.x to v1.1.0:

Code Block
git checkout --ours composer.json
composer require --no-update "ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel:~6.1.0"
composer require --no-update "ezsystems/platform-ui-bundle:~1.1.0"
composer require --dev --no-update "ezsystems/behatbundle:~6.1.0"

# PHP requirement is now 5.5+, and 7.0 is now supported for dev use (see top of this page for requirements link)
composer require --no-update "php:~5.5|~7.0"

# As there are some bugs with Symfony 2.8, make sure to pull in Symfony 2.7 LTS updates
composer require --no-update "symfony/symfony:~2.7.0" 
# This command will remove platform.php: "5.4.4" as php 5.4 is no longer supported
composer config --unset platform.php

Fixing other conflicts (if any)

Depending on the local changes you have done, you may get other conflicts: configuration files, kernel... 


  • Edit the file, and identify the conflicting changes. If a setting you have modified has also been changed by us, you should be able to figure out which value is the right one.
  • Run git add conflicting-file to add the changes

Updating composer.lock

At this point, you should have a composer.json file with the correct requirements. Run composer update to update the dependencies. 


titleOn PHP conflict

Because from this release onwards eZ Platform is compatible only with PHP 5.5 and higher, the update command above will fail if you use an older PHP version. Please update PHP to proceed.

Commit, test and merge

Once all the conflicts have been resolved, and composer.lock updated, the merge can be committed. Note that you may or may not keep composer.lock, depending on your version management workflow. If you do not wish to keep it, run git reset HEAD <file> to remove it from the changes. Run git commit, and adapt the message if necessary. You can now test the project, run integration tests... once the upgrade has been approved, go back to master, and merge the upgrade-1.1.0 branch:
