YUI.add('ezconf-listapplugin', function (Y) {
// Good practices:
// * use a custom namespace. 'eZConf' is used as an example here.
// * put the plugins in a 'Plugin' sub namespace
Y.eZConf.Plugin.ListAppPlugin = Y.Base.create('ezconfListAppPlugin', Y.Plugin.Base, [], {
initializer: function () {
var app = this.get('host'); // the plugged object is called host
console.log("Hey, I'm a plugin for PlatformUI App!");
console.log("And I'm plugged in ", app);
}, {
NS: 'ezconfTypeApp' // don't forget that
// registering the plugin for the app
// with that, the plugin is automatically instantiated and plugged in
// 'platformuiApp' component.
Y.eZConf.Plugin.ListAppPlugin, ['platformuiApp']