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eZ Platform beta now available for testing

The fifth release of eZ Platform, 15.09, is the first in "beta" stability. It builds upon the 15.07 September alpha release. It most notably provides many new UI features, both in this download and continues to provide a few more additional UI features during it's beta period until end of month.


Along with the improvements and fixes listed at the bottom, the most notable changes are the sub-items list in PlatformUI, location & relation tabs, and policies support in custom bundles.

Platform UI sub-items list

Sub-items will now be listed in PlatformUI. This is a minimum viable feature. In further releases, this will be expanded to improve UX with ability to change sub-items views and ability to easily add subitems. For now the sub-items list view enables repository browsing via the content view. 

Story: EZP-24824

Widget Connector

Platform UI languages improvements

The list of content languages configured in the system is now correctly passed on to the UI (EZP-24865), avoiding errors on language selection. 

The language of the edited content can now be selected during editing (EZP-23768)

Widget Connector

New PlatformUI content tabs

Dedicated tabs have been added for relations (EZP-24509) and locations (EZP-24815) of any Content. Both will list a content's relations and locations.

The location tab also allows to manage (add, remove, hide/unhide) locations, as well as select a new main location (currently not working).

Other UI improvements


  • Content type groups can be managed (EZP-24454)
  • Content types can be removed (EZP-24453)
  • Users other than the admin can now login to Platform UI (EZP-24753)
  • Limited user accounts management has been implemented
  • PJAX error messages are now correctly displayed (EZP-24787)


Custom repository policies support

Bundles can now declare custom modules, policies and limitations.

Links: documentation, EZP-24862.

Repository and Platform improvements

  • Solr support for fullText location search (EZP-24802)
  • ezcontentobject_attribute stores always available flag to all fields
  • Float Fields now accepts integers (EZP-24038)
  • An ancestor Search criterion has been added (EZP-24804)
  • REST: users can be filtered by email and login (EZP-24820)
  • Repository exceptions can be translated (EZP-24793)
  • Bundles can now expose custom policies that can be checked via the repository (EZP-24862)



Changes (Stories, Improvements and bug fixes) can be found in our issue tracker: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryfixVersion="2015.07" AND project = EZP AND issuetype in (Story, Improvement, Bug) order by issuetype
 (some are still pending additional documentation changes)

Known issues & upcoming features

List of issues specifically affecting this release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype in (bug) AND affectedVersion = 2015.05 ORDER BY priority

General "Known issues" in Platform stack compared to Legacy

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND affectedVersion ="Known Issues 5.x Stack" AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

Epics tentatively* planned for first stable release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype = Epic AND fixVersion=Pollux AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

Epics tentatively* planned for first LTS release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype = Epic AND fixVersion="Mauna Kea" AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

'* Some of these features will not be in the stable releases, the once we first and foremost will aim for having in the release are those mentioned on the Roadmap.
