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Backoffice interface

The backend interface is produced by the PlatformUI Bundle which provides a JavaScript Single Page Application based on the YUI App Framework. This application is accessible in your browser at http://[uri_of_platform]/ez.

Technical architecture

The PlatformUI application code is divided into different types of components:

  • Application: this is the top level component, the PlatformUI application is an instance of it. It is responsible for authenticating the user and for handling the routing.
  • Models: models are the main objects handled by the application, they represent our main domain objects (Content, Location, Content Type, etc.)
  • View services: view services act between the Application and the Views. They are configured on the routes and the main responsibility of a view service is to provide the model (or other data) to the views and to perform the operations requested by the user (removing a Content item, copying, etc.)
  • Views: views generate the user interface and handle the user interaction (clicking, form submitting, etc.). A view can have several sub-views which can have further sub-views themselves.
  • Plugins: plugins can enhance the application, the view services or the views for instance to provide additional features or to tweak the behavior of the plugged component.

The following chart depicts the interaction between those components:

Overview of PlatformUI component structure

Views: main view, sub-view, side view

The views represent a large part of the application and each of them can be used in three different contexts:

  1. As the main view
  2. As a sub-view of another (sub-)view
  3. As a side view

Main view

A view used as a main view is configured at the route level to be displayed when the user navigates to that route.

For instance, when reaching /ez, the user is redirected to the loginForm route (/ez#/login) and this route is configured in the following way in the application component:

Code Block
     name: "loginForm",
     path: "/login",
     service: Y.eZ.LoginFormViewService,
     sideViews: {'navigationHub': false, 'discoveryBar': false},
     view: 'loginFormView',
     callbacks: ['open', 'handleSideViews', 'handleMainView']

Among others things, this means the view loginFormView will be used as the main view when this route is matched. loginFormView is actually the identifier of the view metadata registered in the view property of the Application.


To avoid having huge main views doing too many things in the application, the views are divided into smaller parts called sub-views.

For instance, the view used to display a Location is divided into several views at several levels, it contains:

  • An action bar view for the right toolbar, which contains:
    • a view for the Minimize button
    • a view for the Create button which contains:
      • a view to list and select a Content Type
    • a view for the Edit button
    • ...
  • A Location View tab view which contains:
    • the Raw Content View to display the fields which contains:
      • A view for each fields
      • ...
  • A Location Details tab view
  • ...
  • A sub-item list view

Side view

A view can also be used as a side view. As its name suggests a side view can represent anything that is not part of the main view.

For instance, when displaying a Location, the top menu (the Navigation hub) or the left toolbar (the Discovery Bar) are side views.

The side views are also used for various widgets providing a service used several times in the application, such as the Universal Discovery Widget.

View services

The view services act between the Application and the Views for both the main views and the side views. They are responsible for providing the required data needed by a main view or a side view to be rendered. A view service will also receive the events triggered by the view to react or provide the additional data. For that, the view services receive an instance of the JavaScript REST Client.

How are pages generated?

Depending on the part of the PlatformUI Application you are using, the page may be generated in two different ways. From an end-user perspective, this is almost transparent but as a developer it is important to understand how the page is generated to be able to extend it.

Browser side rendering

The pages in the content part (as opposed to admin related pages) are fully rendered in the browser. For instance, when displaying a Location in PlatformUI, the corresponding view service loads the Location model and the related models (Content, Content Type, etc.) with the eZ Platform REST API (through the JavaScript REST Client) and gives them the LocationView to be displayed directly by this view and/or by its sub-views. If you open the browser developer tools in the network panel, you can see the REST requests needed to build the page and they only contain a JSON structure.

Server side rendering

The pages in the admin are build in a more traditional way as they are partly rendered server side. For those pages, the view service fetches one (or several) HTML fragment(s) from the server. This HTML fragment follows a very simple structure and can be generated by any means on the server and of course, in PlatformUI this is done in a quite standard Symfony controller. By opening the browser developer tools in the network panel you can see the requests needed to build the section list page.

UI Components

Navigation hub

The Navigation Hub is a side view displaying the top menu.

It displays 4 Navigation zones:

  • Content
  • Page
  • Performance
  • Admin Panel

A zone can contain an arbitrary number of Navigation zone items. By default, the Content zone has 2 navigation items: Content structure and Media library.

Bar views: Discovery Bar View, Action Bar View, Edit Action Bar View

Bar views provide a set of potential actions for the user.

When navigating in the Content zone, the Discovery Bar View allows you to discover content while the Action Bar View on the right allows you to act on the Content item being viewed (edit, move, copy, etc.).

When editing a Content item, the Edit Action Bar View on the right allows you to act on the Content item being edited.

Universal Discovery Widget

The Universal Discovery Widget is a side view triggered when the user needs to pick a Content item (or a Location). It can provide several Discovery Methods. By default, Browse and Search are available.

Extending the Dashboard


eZ Platform contains a Dashboard which shows the user the most relevant Content items divided into blocks for a quick overview.

Aside from the built-in blocks you can extend the Dashboard with new ones and remove existing ones.

It can be done in four steps:

  1. Create a block view
  2. Create a template
  3. Create a plugin for the view

  4. Add modules to configuration

Create a block view

The first step is creating a view that will be added to the Dashboard. You can do it based on the Dashboard Block Asynchronous View. Thanks to this you only need to provide the data to display in the table.

Using the Dashboard Block Asynchronous View you need to set an identifier of the block. The asynchronous view fires the _fireLoadDataEvent method to get the data. The data must find itself in an array with the items attribute.

If you want to create a completely different view, without a table, you can use the Dashboard Block Base View.

In the example below an images block is defined which looks up all content under the /images/ folder in the tree:

Code Block
YUI.add('ezs-dashboardblockimagesview', function (Y) {
    'use strict';
     * Provides the Dashboard Images Block View class
     * @module ez-dashboardblockimagesview
    var BLOCK_IDENTIFIER = 'images';
     * The dashboard images block view
     * @namespace eZS
     * @class DashboardBlockImagesView
     * @constructor
     * @extends eZ.DashboardBlockAsynchronousView
    Y.eZS.DashboardBlockImagesView = Y.Base.create('dashboardBlockImagesView', Y.eZ.DashboardBlockAsynchronousView, [], {
        initializer: function () {
            this._set('identifier', BLOCK_IDENTIFIER);
        _fireLoadDataEvent: function () {
  'locationSearch', {
                viewName: 'images-dashboard',
                resultAttribute: 'items',
                loadContentType: true,
                loadContent: true,
                search: {
                    criteria: {SubtreeCriterion: '/1/43/51/'},
                    limit: 10
        _getTemplateItem: function (item) {
            return {
                content: item.content.toJSON(),
                contentType: item.contentType.toJSON(),
                location: item.location.toJSON(),
                contentInfo: item.location.get('contentInfo').toJSON(),


In the _getTemplateItem method you can specify the structure of the item which will be provided to the template. In the example above each item will be an object with four properties.

If you don't intend to change the structure of the item, there's no need to override this method.

Create a template

Now you have to create a template for the view, for example:

Code Block
<h2 class="ez-block-title">Images</h2>
<div class="ez-block-wrapper ez-asynchronousview">
    {{#if loadingError}}
    <p class="ez-asynchronousview-error ez-font-icon">
        An error occurred while loading the images list.
        <button class="ez-asynchronousview-retry ez-button ez-font-icon pure-button">Retry</button>
    <table class="ez-block-items-table">
        <thead class="ez-block-header">
                <th class="ez-block-head-title">Title</th>
                <th class="ez-block-head-content-type">Content Type</th>
                <th class="ez-block-head-version">Version</th>
                <th class="ez-block-head-modified">Last saved</th>
        <tbody class="ez-block-content">
        {{#each items}}
            <tr class="ez-block-row">
                <td class="ez-block-cell">{{ }}</td>
                <td class="ez-block-cell">{{ lookup contentType.names contentInfo.mainLanguageCode }}</td>
                <td class="ez-block-cell">{{ contentInfo.currentVersionNo }}</td>
                <td class="ez-block-cell ez-block-cell-options">
                    {{ contentInfo.lastModificationDate }}
                    <div class="ez-block-row-options">
                        <a class="ez-block-option-edit ez-font-icon" href="{{ path "editContent" languageCode=contentInfo.mainLanguageCode }}"></a>
                        <a class="ez-block-option-view ez-font-icon" href="{{ path "viewLocation" languageCode=contentInfo.mainLanguageCode }}"></a>
You may notice that the template is prepared to handle the loadingError, because the asynchronous view provides it if there are problems with loading data. If no error occurs, a table with basic info about your images will be displayed.

Create a plugin for the view

The next step is adding the view and the template to the Dashboard. To do this, you need to create a plugin for the Dashboard view.

In the initializer you can use the public addBlock method from the Dashboard view. In this method you only have to provide the instance of your view. Here you also set some properties for your new view: bubbleTargets to make sure that the events will bubble up to the other views, and priority where you can set the order of blocks in the Dashboard (higher number goes first).

Code Block
YUI.add('ezs-dashboardblocksplugin', function (Y) {
    'use strict';
     * The plugin is responsible for adding a new block to the dashboard.
     * @module ezs-dashboardblocksplugin
    Y.eZS.Plugin.DashboardBlocks = Y.Base.create('studioDashboardBlocks', Y.Plugin.Base, [], {
        initializer: function () {
    }, {
        NS: 'studioDashboardBlocks',
        ATTRS: {
            imagesBlockView: {
                valueFn : function () {
                    return new Y.eZS.DashboardBlockImagesView({
                        bubbleTargets: this.get('host'),
                        priority: 500
        Y.eZS.Plugin.DashboardBlocks, ['dashboardBlocksView']

If for whatever reason you want to remove a block, use another public method, removeBlock, and provide it with just the block identifier.

Add modules to configuration

The last thing you have to do is add new modules to the yml configuration:

Code Block
        - 'plugin'
        - 'base'
        - 'ez-pluginregistry'
        - 'ezs-dashboardblockimagesview'
    dependencyOf: ['ez-dashboardblocksview']
    path: %ezstudioui.public_dir%/js/views/services/plugins/ezs-dashboardblocksplugin.js
        - 'ez-dashboardblockasynchronousview'
        - 'dashboardblockimagesview-ez-template'
    path: %ezstudioui.public_dir%/js/views/ezs-dashboardblockimagesview.js
    type: 'template'
    path: %ezstudioui.public_dir%/templates/dashboardblock-images.hbt


In this example the plugin is added as a dependency of the Dashboard block view, requiring the new images block view. The Dashboard images view in turn requires the asynchronous view.

After this configuration is complete the Dashboard should display the new block.

Further extensibility

Content Type icons


A Content item can be treated as an instance of a Content Type. The type of a Content item is very important information to provide to the user. The Content Type to which a Content item belongs is represented graphically using an icon near the Content item name. Essentially, the Content Types are project-specific so the icons can be easily configured and extended by integrators.

Font icons + CSS

Icons in the PlatformUI interface are provided by an icon font. For Content Types, the idea is to expand that concept so that while generating the interface, we end up with a code similar to:

Code Block
 <h1 class="ez-contenttype-icon ez-contenttype-icon-folder">Folder Name</h1>


With such classes, the h1 is specified to display a Content Type icon. The class ez-contenttype-icon makes sure the element is styled for that and gets the default Content Type icon. The second class is specific to the Content Type based on its identifier and if it's defined in one of the CSS files, the element will get the custom Content Type icon defined there.

Adding new Content Type icons

The extensibility of Content Type icons is tackled differently depending on the use case, but it relies on the ability to embed a custom CSS file in PlatformUI with css.yml.

To prevent the need to configure/extend the system, we provide several pre-configured icons for very common Content Types such as:

  • product
  • author
  • category
  • gallery / portfolio
  • blog_post / blogpost / post
  • blog / weblog
  • news
  • pdf
  • document
  • photo
  • comment
  • wiki
  • wiki_page / wikipage

There are three ways of choosing Content Type icons:

Pick an icon for a custom Content Type from existing icons

In such a case you need to pick the icon code. For that, the icomoon application can be used until the UI guidelines are up-to-date and reference the available icons. To ease that process and the readability of the code, we'll use ligatures in the font icon so that the CSS code for a custom Content Type could look like:

Code Block
 /* in a custom CSS file included with `css.yml` */
.ez-contenttype-icon-mycontenttypeidentifier:before {
    content: "product"; /* because this icon matches the usage of such content
    items */


Add custom icons

If the icons we provide do not fit a custom Content Type, then a new custom icon font has to be added. To generate the icon, the Icomoon App can be used (or any other tool). Then, using a custom CSS stylesheet, this font can be included and the ez-contenttype-icon-<content type identifier> can be configured to use that font.


Code Block
/* in a custom CSS file included with `css.yml` */
@font-face {
    font-family: 'my-icon-font';
    src:url('../../fonts/my-icon-font.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('../../fonts/my-icon-font.woff') format('woff'),
        url('../../fonts/my-icon-font.ttf') format('truetype'),
        url('../../fonts/my-icon-font.svg#my-icon-font') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
.ez-contenttype-icon-myidentifier:before {
    font-family: 'my-icon-font';
    content: "myiconcode";
/* repeated as many times as needed for each custom Content Type */


Completely override the icon set

The solution for this use case is very close to the previous one. A custom icon font will have to be produced, loaded with a custom CSS file, and then the ez-contenttype-icon style has to be changed to use that new font.


Code Block
/* in a custom CSS file included with `css.yml` */
@font-face {
    font-family: 'my-icon-font';
    src:url('../../fonts/my-icon-font.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('../../fonts/my-icon-font.woff') format('woff'),
        url('../../fonts/my-icon-font.ttf') format('truetype'),
        url('../../fonts/my-icon-font.svg#my-icon-font') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
.ez-contenttype-icon:before {
    font-family: 'my-icon-font'; /* replaces ez-platformui-icomoon */
    /* no further change needed if the custom icon font uses the same
     * codes/ligatures


Custom Javascript

Custom Javascript can be added to PlatformUI using the following configuration block:

Code Block
                   - '<path to js file>'


Extending the Form Builder


titleeZ Enterprise

Form Builder Bundle currently comes with three basic types of fields: Single Line Text, Paragraph Text and Email.

It was designed to be easy to extend by adding new types of fields.

Field definitions

Default field definitions are available in Resources\config\default_fields.yml.

Field definition structure

Field definitions are contained under the fields key. Each definition has its own key, e.g. single_line_text. Each definition must contain two sections:

  • identifier - name of the definition used on the front end
  • displayName - name displayed in the Page mode editor in the fields tab

The definition can also contain the following optional sections:

  • validators - defines validators that the field will use. This must contain the validator's identifier and the values that will be checked during validation, for example:
Code Block
            - { identifier: required, value: 1 }
Code Block
            name: 'Default field value'
            adminLabel: 'Default admin label'
            helpText: 'Default help text'
            placeholderText: 'Default placeholder text'
  • There are also four default attributes that are used for every field: LABEL_NAME, LABEL_HELP_TEXT, LABEL_ADMIN_LABEL and LABEL_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT. If you wish, you can override them in your configuration.
  • views - provides a list of views that will be used to display the field. At least one view must be defined, with the keys name, thumbnail and template, for example:
Code Block
                name: Form Test Line Text Basic
                thumbnail: /bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/images/thumbnails/single_line_text/basic.svg
                template: EzSystemsFormBuilderBundle:fields:single_line_text/basic.html.twig

Adding a new field definition

This procedure assumes you are creating a separate Bundle to house your new type of form field.

1. Create a YAML file with field definition

Create a YAML configuration file, e.g. Resources\config\extended_fields.yml, with the following code:

Code Block
        identifier: testLineText
        displayName: 'Test Line Text'
            - { identifier: required, value: 1 }
            name: 'Defaulttest fieldline valueattribute'
            adminLabel: 'Default admin label'
            helpText: 'Default help text'
            placeholderText: 'Default placeholder text'
                name: Form Test Line Text Basic
                thumbnail: /bundles/ezsystemsformbuilder/images/thumbnails/single_line_text/basic.svg
                template: EzSystemsFormBuilderBundle:fields:single_line_text/basic.html.twig


When creating a new template for the field definition, remember to add mandatory ezform-field class and as shown below: 

Code Block
{% extends 'EzSystemsFormBuilderBundle:fields:field.html.twig' %}
{% block input %}
    <input type="text" class="ezform-field ..." id="{{ }}" placeholder="{{ field.placeholderText }}">
{% endblock %}
2. Modify the DependencyInjection\TestExtension.php class

The class must implement the PrependExtensionInterface interface:

Code Block
class TestExtension implements PrependExtensionInterface

In the prepend method in TestExtension.php add the following lines at the end:

Code Block
public function prepend(ContainerBuilder $container)
        $configFile = __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/extended_fields.yml';
        $config = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($configFile));
        $container->loadFromExtension('ez_systems_form_builder', $config);
        $container->addResource(new FileResource($configFile));    


Creating your own validators

You can create your own validators by reproducing the following configuration:

Validator configuration

A validator implements the EzSystems\FormBuilder\SPI\ValidatorInterface.php interface and extends the abstract class EzSystems\FormBuilder\Core\Validator\Validator.php.

The interface requires the implementation of the following methods:

  • validate
  • getLabel
  • getErrorMessage
  • setLimitation
  • getValueType

The validate method is the one that contains the logic for the validation. It returns true when validation is successful, or false when the data does not validate:

Code Block
     * @return bool
    public function validate($value);

The getLabel method returns a string with the name of the validator that will be used in the editor:

Code Block
     * @return string
    public function getLabel();

The getErrorMessage method returns error message(s) to appear when the validate method returns false:

Code Block
     * @return array
    public function getErrorMessage();

The setLimitation method allows the configuration of limitations. Its default implementation is contained in the Validator abstract class:

Code Block
     * @param mixed $limitation
    public function setLimitation($limitation);

The getValueType method returns the name of the checked value type:

Code Block
     * @return string
    public function getValueType();

Currently the abstract class Validator has three value types (defined in Core\Validator\Validator.php):

Code Block
    const TYPE_INTEGER = 'integer';
    const TYPE_STRING = 'string';
    const TYPE_BOOL = 'bool';

The validator must be tagged as form_builder.field_validator. Due to this the Resources\config\validator_services.yml file contains two entries, one in the parameters section:

Code Block
form_builder.validator.example.class: EzSystems\FormBuilder\Core\Validator\ExampleValidator

and one in the services section:

Code Block
        class: '%form_builder.validator.example.class%'
            - { name: form_builder.field_validator, alias: example }


Signal slots

Whenever a form is submitted and stored in a database, lib\Core\SignalSlot\Signal\FormSubmit emits signal in a submitForm service. You can create your own listeners, called Signal slots, to capture the FormSubmit signal.

Below you can find an example of a custom Signal slot. It saves submission to a text file. 

Code Block
namespace AppBundle\SignalSlot;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use eZ\Publish\Core\SignalSlot\Slot;
use eZ\Publish\Core\SignalSlot\Signal;
class HandleSubmission extends Slot
     * Receive the given $signal and react on it.
     * @param EzSystems\FormBuilder\Core\SignalSlot\Signal\FormSubmit $signal
    public function receive(Signal $signal)
        $fs = new Filesystem();
        $formId = $signal->formId;
        $submission = $signal->submission;
        $created = $submission->created->format("Y-m-d.H:i:s");
        $dataRows = [];
        foreach ($submission->fields as $field) {
            $dataRows[] = "{$field->label}: {$field->value}";
        $fs->dumpFile("forms/{$formId}/{$created}.txt", implode("\n", $dataRows));


It has to be registered as a tagged Symfony service, like this:

Code Block
        class: "AppBundle\SignalSlot\HandleSubmission"
            - { name: ezpublish.api.slot, signal: '\EzSystems\FormBuilder\Core\SignalSlot\Signal\FormSubmit' }


Other Form Builder fields


Form Builder fields introduced in v1.8 require additional configuration.

Date field

To make use of the Date field you need to add the necessary assets. The assets should be added in page head with the following code:

Code Block
{% javascripts
    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}
Code Block
{% stylesheets filter='cssrewrite'
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset_url }}">
{% endstylesheets %}
Adding new date format

If you wish to add a new date format, the alias in the date field config must follow this pattern:

d or D - day of the month (1-2 digits)
dd or DD - day of the month (2 digits)
m or M - month of the year (1-2 digits)
mm or MM - month (2 digits)
yy or YY - year (2 digits)
yyyy or YYYY - year (4 digits)

for example:

d-m-yyyy - 16-1-2017
mm/dd/yy - 01/16/17

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