Stack | Single mode | Cluster mode |
OS | - Red Hat RHEL 6.x latests stable (tested on 6.4)
| - Red Hat RHEL 6.x latests stable (tested on 6.4)
Web Server | - Apache 2.2.15 (pre-fork mode) (rhel6 package)
| - Apache 2.2.15 (pre-fork mode) (rhel6 package)
Symfony Web Framework (* ) | - Latest stable version of Symfony 2.3.x with Twig
| - Latest stable version of Symfony 2.3.x with Twig
DBMS | - MySQL 5.1 (rhel6 package)
| - MySQL 5.1 (rhel6 package)
PHP (mod_php) + PHP CLI | - Official PHP 5.3.3 (rhel6 packages)
| - Official PHP 5.3.3 (rhel6 packages)
PHP + PHP CLI extensions | - APC 3.1.9 (rhel6 packages)
- bz2
- Curl
- dom
- exif
- fileinfo
- ftp
- gd
- Iconv
- json
- mbstring
- Database:
- MySQL:
- mysqli (LS)
- pdo-mysql (5.x)
- pecl_http
- Required by ezphttprequest used by ezodoscope & ezrecommendereZ Recommendation
- pcntl
- pcre
- posix
- reflection
- simplexml
- spl
- ssl
- xmlreader
- xsl
- zlib
- php-intl
| - APC 3.1.9 (rhel6 packages)
- bz2
- Curl
- dom
- exif
- fileinfo
- ftp
- gd
- Iconv
- json
- mbstring
- memcache
- Database:
- MySQL:
- mysqli (LS)
- pdo-mysql (5.x)
- pecl_http
- Required by ezphttprequest used by ezodoscope & ezrecommendereZ Recommendation
- pcntl
- pcre
- posix
- reflection
- simplexml
- spl
- ssl
- xmlreader
- xsl
- zlib
- php-intl
Graphic Handler | - ImageMagick 6.5.4 (rhel6 packages)
| - ImageMagick 6.5.4 (rhel6 packages)
Other | - OpenOffice 3.2.1 (rhel6 packages)
| - OpenOffice 3.2.1 (rhel6 packages)
eZ Publish extensions | - eZ Online Editor LS 5.2.0
- eZ Website Interface LS 5.2.0
- eZ Flow LS 5.2.0
- eZ Find LS 5.2.0
- eZ Google Maps Location LS 5.2.0
- eZ Star Rating LS 5.2.0
- eZ Website Toolbar LS 5.2.0
- eZ LS 5.2.0
- eZ MB Password Expiry LS 5.2.0
- eZ Multiupload LS 5.2.0
- eZ Survey LS 5.2.0
- eZ Comments LS 5.2.0
- eZ JSCore LS 5.2.0
- eZ Script Monitor LS 5.2.0
- eZ SI LS 5.2.0
- eZ Style Editor LS 5.2.0
- eZ XML Export LS 5.2.0
- eZ Image Editor LS 5.2.0
- eZ Network LS 5.2.0
- eZ Form Token LS 5.2.0
- eZ Content Staging LS 5.2.0
- eZ Autosave LS 5.2.0
- eZ REST API Provider LS 5.2.0
| - eZ Online Editor LS 5.2.0
- eZ Website Interface LS 5.2.0
- eZ Flow LS 5.2.0
- eZ Find LS 5.2.0
- eZ Google Maps Location LS 5.2.0
- eZ Star Rating LS 5.2.0
- eZ Website Toolbar LS 5.2.0
- eZ LS 5.2.0
- eZ MB Password Expiry LS 5.2.0
- eZ Multiupload LS 5.2.0
- eZ Survey LS 5.2.0
- eZ Comments LS 5.2.0
- eZ JSCore LS 5.2.0
- eZ Script Monitor LS 5.2.0
- eZ SI LS 5.2.0
- eZ Style Editor LS 5.2.0
- eZ XML Export LS 5.2.0
- eZ Image Editor LS 5.2.0
- eZ Network LS 5.2.0
- eZ Form Token LS 5.2.0
- eZ Content Staging LS 5.2.0
- eZ Autosave LS 5.2.0
- eZ REST API Provider LS 5.2.0
Cluster mode | | - eZDFSFileHandler + Linux NFS
- Persistence cache configured with Memcache
- HTTP cache configured to use Varnish
File system | | |