FieldType | Description | Searchable in Legacy Storage engine |
Author | Field type used to store a list of authors, consisting of author name, and author email. | No. |
BinaryFile | Field type used to store a file. | Yes. |
Checkbox | Field type which stores boolean values. | Yes. |
Country | This field type stores country names as a string. | Yes. |
DateAndTime | Field type used to store a full date including time information. | Yes. |
Date | Field type used to store a date information. | Yes. |
EmailAddress | This field type is used to validate and store an email address. | Yes. |
Float | Field type used to validate and store a decimal value. | No. |
Image | Field type used to validate and store an image. | No. |
Integer | Field type which validates and stores an integer value. | Yes. |
ISBN | Handles International Standard Book Number (ISBN) in 10-digit or 13-digit format. | Yes. |
Keyword | Field type used to store keywords. | No. |
MapLocation | Field type used to store map coordinates. | Yes, with MapLocationDistance criterion. |
Matrix | Available via community Bundle: https://github.com/ezcommunity/EzMatrixFieldTypeBundle | |
Media | Validates and stores a media file. | No. |
Null | This field type is used for fallback for missing field types and for testing purposes. | No. |
Page | Field type used to manage display zones and blocks in a page (formerly known as eZ Flow datatype). | No. |
Price | Available via community Bundle: https://github.com/ezcommunity/EzPriceBundle | |
Rating | Field type which stores a rating. | No. |
Relation | Field type which validates and stores a relation to a content objectitem. | Yes, with both Field and FieldRelation criterions. |
RelationList | Field type that validates and stores a list of relations to content objectsitems. | Yes, with FieldRelation criterion. |
Selection | Field type which validates and stores a single selection or multiple choices from a list of options. | Yes. |
Selection2 | Available via community Bundle: https://github.com/netgen/NetgenEnhancedSelectionBundle | |
Tags | Available via community Bundle: https://github.com/netgen/TagsBundle | |
TextBlock | Validates and stores a larger block of text. | No. |
TextLine | This field type validates and stores a single line of text. | Yes. |
Time | Field type used to store a time information. | Yes. |
Url | Field type used to store an URL / address. | No. |
User | Field type that validates and stores information about a user. | No. |
XmlText | Field type that validates and stores multiple lines of formatted text.. | Yes. |