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CriterionConstructor arguments description
ContentId value being scalar(s) representing the Content id.
ContentTypeGroupIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the Content Typ eGroup id.
ContentTypeIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the Content Type id.
title>= 5.1/2013.01
value being string(s) representing the Content Type identifier, example: "article".
DateMetadata target (DateMetadata ::MODIFIED, DateMetadata ::CREATED), operator (IN, EQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, BETWEEN), value being integer(s) representing unix timestamp.

target (FieldDefinition identifier), operator (IN, EQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, LIKE,  BETWEEN, CONTAINS), value being scalar(s) relevant for the field.

title>= 5.3/2014.05
target (FieldDefinition identifier), operator (IN, CONTAINS), value being array of scalars representing Content id of relation.
Use of IN means relation needs to have one of the provided ID's, while CONTAINS implies it needs to have all provided id's.

value being the string to search for, properties is array to set additional properties for use with future search engines like Solr/ElasticSearch.

LanguageCodevalue being string(s) representing Language Code(s) on the Content (not on Fields), matchAlwaysAvailable
title>= 5.2/2013.11
as boolean.
LocationIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the Location id.
LocationRemoteIdvalue being string(s) representing the Location Remote id.
LogicalAndA LogicalOperator that takes array of other Criteria, makes sure all Criteria match.
LogicalNotA LogicalOperator that takes array of other Criteria, makes sure none of the Criteria match.
LogicalOrA LogicalOperator that takes array of other Criteria, makes sure one of the Criteria match.
title>= 5.3/2014.03
target (FieldDefinition identifier), operator ( IN, EQ, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, BETWEEN), distance as float(s) from a position using latitude as float, longitude as float as arguments
MatchAllNo arguments, mainly for internal use when no filter or query is provided on Query object.
MatchNone No arguments, mainly for internal use by BlockingLimitation.
titlenot implemented
ObjectStateIdvalue being string(s) representing the Content ObjectState id.

value being scalar(s) representing the Parent's Location id

RemoteIdvalue being string(s) representing the Content Remote id.
SectionIdvalue being scalar(s) representing the Content Section id.
Subtreevalue being string(s) representing the Location id in which you can filter. If the Location Id is  /1/2/20/42, you will filter everything under 42.
UserMetadata target (UserMetadata ::OWNER , UserMetadata ::GROUP , UserMetadata ::MODIFIER), operator (IN, EQ ), value being scalars (s) representing the User or User Group id(s).
Visibility value (Visibility ::VISIBLE , Visibility ::HIDDEN), Note: This acts on all assigned locations when used with ContentSearch, meaning hidden content will be returned if it has a location which is visible. Use LocationSearch to avoid this.


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