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eZ Platform "Alpha4" available for testing

The fourth alpha release of eZ Platform,15.07, builds upon the 15.05 July release.  It most noticeably adds support for Solr, as well as many UI enhancements and additions. It also contains most improvements and fixes that are part of the 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 enterprise releases.


With the many improvements and fixes listed at the bottom, the main changes are:

RichText editor improvements

  • The active element is now highlighted (EZP-24769)
  • The contextual toolbar now works on the following elements:
    • Headings: change level, or remove heading (EZP-24725)
    • Paragraphs: change alignment
  • The native Alloy Editor "append content" can be used to add a new heading or an embed element (EZP-24768)


Widget Connector

Content language display selection

On Content that has translations, a dropdown will now list the available languages. Selecting one of them will display the Content in that language instead. The Edit button will now use the currently active translation.

Stories: EZP-23765EZP-24549

Translate content

When there are multiple languages configured, translations can be added and edited.

Story: EZP-23766


Roles management UI prototype

An UI to manage Roles and Policies has been started, and can be previewed.

It is currently limited to listing, creating and deleting roles, without policy management, even though policies can already be viewed.

Epic: EZP-24071

As can be seen in the epic, this feature is being worked on, and will quickly evolve over the next weeks.

Other UI changes

Native Solr support

Until now, the SearchService was using the Legacy database search implementation. It was quite limited, and performed very badly. The Solr implementation has been worked on since last summer, and finally made it into the product.

After configuration and setup, Solr will be used by the SearchService for all of your Location, Content and ContentInfo queries. It has very advanced multilanguage capabilities, and will offer great performances whenever you need to grab Content or Locations from the Repository. 

Note that as it is lifts off many limitations, this feature will also be made available to Enterprise customers eZ Publish Platform 5.4 via a specific update.

Source: ezsystems/ezplatform-solr-search-engine

Other Platform changes

  • Locations returned by the REST API will now include the ContentInfo. This should avoid quite a few calls only to get the name, or basic info about the Location's Content (EZP-24672)
  • The REST API will now let you search for Location in addition to Content. While the existing resource remains valid, note that /views should be used instead of /content/views (EZP-24671)


Changes (Stories, Improvements and bug fixes) can be found in our issue tracker: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryfixVersion="2015.07" AND project = EZP AND issuetype in (Story, Improvement, Bug) order by issuetype
 (some are still pending additional documentation changes)

Known issues & upcoming features

List of issues specifically affecting this release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype in (bug) AND affectedVersion = 2015.05 ORDER BY priority

General "Known issues" in Platform stack compared to Legacy

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND affectedVersion ="Known Issues 5.x Stack" AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

Epics tentatively* planned for first stable release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype = Epic AND fixVersion=Pollux AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

Epics tentatively* planned for first LTS release: 

servereZ Systems JIRA tracker
jqlQueryproject = EZP AND issuetype = Epic AND fixVersion="Mauna Kea" AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority

'* Some of these features will not be in the stable releases, the once we first and foremost will aim for having in the release are those mentioned on the Roadmap.