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titleVersion compatibility

Route references are compatible with eZ Publish 5.3 / 2014.05


Sometimes, when generating links to a resource, you need to modify the default router's behavior.

Use cases can be:

  • Language switch links
  • Download links
  • Pass a Content item instead of a Location (and use its mainLocationId)


The concept of RouteReference has been introduced, which works in the same way of Symfony's ControllerReference for sub-requests. A RouteReference represents a route (to a location object, a declared route...) with its parameters and can be passed to the Router for link generation.

The advantage of a RouteReference is that its params can be modified later, and then passed to the router (e.g. to generate a link to the same location in several different languages).

Furthermore, the RouteReference generation process can be extended to fit specific needs.




Code Block
ez_route( [routing_resource[, parameters_hash]] )
  • routing_resource can be any valid resource (route name, Location object...). If omitted (null), the current route will be taken into account.
  • parameters_hash is a hash with arbitrary key/values. It will be passed to the router in the end.

Minimal usage is pretty straightforward:

Code Block
{# With a declared route. #}
{% set routeRef = ez_route( "my_route" ) %}

{# With a location, given "location" variable is a valid Location object. #}
{% set routeRef = ez_route( location ) %}

{# Then pass the routeRef variable to path() to generate the link #}
<a href="{{ path( routeRef ) }}">My link</a>


Passing parameters and play with the RouteReference:

Code Block
{% set routeRef = ez_route( "my_route", {"some": "thing"} ) %}

{# You can then add parameters further on #}
{% do routeRef.set( "foo", ["bar", "baz"] ) %}

{# Or even modify the route resource #}
{% do routeRef.setRoute( "another_route" ) %}

<a href="{{ path( routeRef ) }}">My link</a>


You can easily generate links based on a RouteReference from PHP too, with the RouteReferenceGenerator service:

Code Block
// Assuming we're in a controller
/** @var \eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\Routing\Generator\RouteReferenceGeneratorInterface $routeRefGenerator */
$routeRefGenerator = $this->get( 'ezpublish.route_reference.generator' );
$routeRef = $routeRefGenerator->generate( 'my_route', array( 'some' => 'thing' );
$routeRef->set( 'foo', array( 'bar', 'baz' ) );
$routeRef->setRoute( 'another_route' );

$link = $this->generateUrl( $routeRef );

Extending the RouteReference generation process

When generating the route reference, the RouteReferenceGenerator service fires an MVCEvents::ROUTE_REFERENCE_GENERATION (ezpublish.routing.reference_generation) event. This event can be listened to in order to modify the final route reference (adding/changing parameters, changing the route name...).

All listeners receive a eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\Event\RouteReferenceGenerationEvent object, which contains the current request object and the route reference.

Code Block
namespace Acme\AcmeTestBundle\EventListener;

use eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\Event\RouteReferenceGenerationEvent;
use eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\MVCEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class MyRouteReferenceListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return array(
            MVCEvents::ROUTE_REFERENCE_GENERATION => 'onRouteReferenceGeneration'

    public function onRouteReferenceGeneration( RouteReferenceGenerationEvent $event )
        $routeReference = $event->getRouteReference();
        $request = $event->getRequest();

        // Let's say we want to change the route name if "some_parameter" param is present
        if ( $routeReference->has( 'some_parameter' )
            $routeReference->setRoute( 'a_specific_route' );
            // We remove "some_parameter", as we don't need it any more
            $routeReference->remove( 'some_parameter' );
            // We add another parameter, just because it's fun :-)
            $routeReference->set( 'another_parameter', array( 'parameters', 'are', 'fun' );

Service declaration:

Code Block
# AcmeTestBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
    acme.my_route_reference_listener.class: Acme\AcmeTestBundle\EventListener\MyRouteReferenceListener

        class: %acme.my_route_reference_listener.class%
            - { name: kernel.event_subscriber }



real life implementation example can be the LanguageSwitcher (eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\EventListener\LanguageSwitchListener).



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