The following steps describes how to install the CJW Newsletter extension:
Extract the downloaded files to this location:
...<root of your eZ Publish installation>/extension
Activate your CJW Newsletter extension at this location:
By adding the CJW Newsletter extension:
[ExtensionSettings] ... ActiveAccessExtensions[]=cjw_newsletter ...
Note: From eZ Publish 4.4 the CJW Newsletter will be part of the new Extension Load Ordering functionality. In 4.4 you will need to enter the metadata for each extension you wish to install in
Then the extension load ordering will take care of the correct sequential loading of the extensions.
Next update your autoload settings for this extension. From the command line you could use the following command:
php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php -e -v
It is also possible to update the autoloads from the Administration Interface. Under the Setup tab, click on the Extensions link in the menu on the left. In the list displayed check the added extension (cjw newsletter) and press the Regenerate autoload arrays for extensions button.
Add tables to the database used by your eZ Publish instance. If you are using MySQL, you can import the tables from the eZ Publish's root directory with the following command:
mysql -u <user> -p <database_name> < extension/cjw_newsletter/sql/mysql/schema.sql
Don't forget to replace the placeholders <USER> and <DATABASE_NAME> with the actual user name of your database and the name of the database used by eZ Publish.
If you are using another DBMS, the procedure is very similar. Please refer to the documentation of your DBMS if you are experiencing issues.
Assign the newsletter admin design in your admin siteaccess only if your eZ Publish version is < ez4.2.0 in order to adjust the eZ Publish Administration Interface with the left CJW Newsletter menu. Note that this setting does not apply if you have newer versions than eZ Publish 4.3. To assign the newsletter design to version 4.2.0 or older go to:
and make the following changes:
[DesignSettings] SiteDesign=<cjw-example_admin_en> AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=newsletter_admin_ez4.0.0 AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=admin
Check if you have an override menu.ini.append.php in your siteaccess. If so, you should add the new CJW Newsletter tab manually at one of the following locations:
Add the tab as follows:
Now you should clear the cache. The following command can be used:
php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-id=template-override
Or if you prefer, this can be done from the administrator interface. Under the Setup tab, click on the Cache Management link in the menu on the right. And select the caches to clear.
Choose the desired file, in this case "cjw_newsletter/packages/newsletter_root-1.0.1.ezpkg.ezpkg", on your local computer (as shown in the following screenshot) and click the Import package button.
The system will import the package from "cjw_newsletter/packages/newsletter_root-1.0.1.ezpkg.ezpkg" and show it in the list of packages.
You can now create the CJW Newsletter structure manually like described in the bullet-points below:
Note: Make sure that you follow this sequence and that every new object is created within the previous structure.
1. At the CJW Newsletter Root (if you need a new newsletter system later start at the root folder again)
2. create your newsletter system (you can create new newsletter systems as the need may be)
3. then create a newsletter list within that system (this will list all newsletters create in this particular newsletter system)
4. create a newsletter edition within the newsletter list (all editions created in this structure will be listed here)
5. In the newsletter edition you can either:
* create all your articles within the same edition, or
* create separate articles in a new structure below the newsletter edition.
Next create a cjw_newsletter.ini.append.php file for the CJW Newsletter settings at the following location:
or preferred
The content could for example look like this:
[NewsletterSettings] PhpCli=php AvailableSkinArray[]=default [NewsletterMailSettings] # smtp, sendmail, file TransportMethodCronjob=sendmail # test newsletter TransportMethodPreview=sendmail # subscribe, infomail TransportMethodDirectly=sendmail # Configuration for SMTP SmtpTransportServer= SmtpTransportPort=25 SmtpTransportUser= SmtpTransportPassword= Newsletter EmailSubjectPrefix=[Newsletter]
Keep in mind to adjust these settings according to your needs.
Update the default cjw Newsletter skin or create a new one. By default the CJW Newsletter default skins are located here:
The files are "text.tpl" and "html.tpl". Lets say you have designed a custom skin called "my_custom_skin". The related text.tpl and html.tpl files should be located here:
The new skin should then be definded in cjw_newsletter.ini.append.php (created in step 13) like this:
[NewsletterSettings] AvailableSkinArray[]=my_custom_skin
And don't forget to clear the cache after adding new templates!
Check the SiteURL settings in site.ini of the siteaccess which is used for rendering the newsletter. This setting is used to create absolute links to images:
[SiteSettings] # URL of site, often used to link to site in emails etc.
Next activate the ts files in "cjw_newsletter.ini.append.php" This setting you should copy to your siteaccess "site.ini" so you have full control of which ts files are loaded
[RegionalSettings] TranslationExtensions[]=cjw_newsletter
To create all mails for a CJW Newsletter edition which are ready to be sent out run, the following command can be used:
php runcronjobs.php -s siteaccess cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_create
To send out all mails which are in the mail queue created by step 15, the following command can be used:
php runcronjobs.php -s siteaccess cjw_newsletter_mailqueue_process