The default CJW Newsletter configuration settings are defined in this file:
It is highly recommended to create an override configuration file, for example here:
or preferred:
In the above mentioned override file ("cjw_newsletter.ini.append.php") the following settings should be included and configured according to the needs of your site:
[NewsletterSettings] # Administration interface container NodeID RootFolderNodeId=66 # Please put here the path to your PHP Cli installation. It is needed for generating the preview and the views in the send out process PhpCli=php # array with all skin names located in design folder # => design:newsletter/skin/ $skin_name # You can connect the layout with your newsletter list in the administration interface. AvailableSkinArray[] AvailableSkinArray[]=default AvailableSkinArray[]=ez4you_extended AvailableSkinArray[]=ez4you_simple
It is possible to send your Newsletters with sendmail or SMTP. The file protocol is provided for development reasons only.
Keep in mind that there are three different types of send out mails:
* The subscribe or information mails
* the preview of the CJW Newsletter edition mails
* the CJW Newsletter edition itself.
When you choose SMTP, the SMTP settings in the above mentioned override file (cjw_newsletter.ini.append.php) should be configured as follows:
[NewsletterMailSettings] # smtp, sendmail, file # cjw Newsletter edition TransportMethodCronjob=sendmail # test cjw Newsletter edition TransportMethodPreview=sendmail # subscribe, infomail TransportMethodDirectly=sendmail # Configuration for SMTP SmtpTransportServer= SmtpTransportPort=25 SmtpTransportUser= SmtpTransportPassword= # settings for mail send out by subscribe, unsubscribe EmailSender=newsletter@localhost.localdomain EmailSenderName=Localhost Newsletter # string the subject of all mails is starting with EmailSubjectPrefix=[Newsletter Localhost]Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2013 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.